Published Work / Arbeiten

  • Sara Dolnicar and Sebastian Kaiser and Katie Lazarevski and Friedrich Leisch (2010), BICLUSTERING Overcoming data dimensionality problems in market segmentation, Acepted for publication (January 2010) in Journal of Travel Research.

  • Sara Dolnicar and Sebastian Kaiser and Katrina Matus and Wilma Vialle (2009), Can Australian Universities Take Measures to Increase the Lecture Attendance of Marketing Students?, Journal of Marketing Education, 31, 203-211, 3.

  • Sebastian Kaiser and Friedrich Leisch (2008), A Toolbox for Bicluster Analysis in R, Compstat 2008---Proceedings in ComputationalStatistics, Paula Brito, Physica Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany.
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Work during Studies / Arbeiten während des Studiums